The Many Thoughts of a Sleepless Teacher

I slept horribly last night.

I woke up what seemed like every 10-20 minutes and was either thinking about something random, working out conflicts from a dream, drafting a piece of writing, or ruminating on a student.

What did I think about? Here is a sample of my thoughts that trickled all through the night:-“I wonder if I packed enough for lunch.”

  •  “Did I remember to pack a fork?”
  • “I wonder whether the Metrobuses will be running reliably to get me to work.”
  •  “I wonder whether there is numeric significance to the years they check in in ‘True Detective.’ Like, does the serial killer have a pattern that follows a certain number of years and that’s why things keep popping up then?” Then my inner voice answered itself, “Nope. That math doesn’t even make sense. Go back to sleep, Laura.”
  •  “Is that plot twist I’m predicting in “How I Met Your Mother” really going to happen? Because if so, I’m going to be super mad.”
  •   At one point, I even woke up writing a blog in my head. And MAN did I come up with a fantastic reflection, a wonderful line, and a blog I couldn’t wait to post. But then I realized… I had mentally composed a piece of writing over a fictional event. What I was thinking about didn’t even happen.
  •   “Am I psychic? Nah.”
  •  “Will we even have time for specials with the 2 hour delay tomorrow?”
  • “Should I bother to try to run Handwriting Without Tears? I don’t think the kids will be focused and ready to attend to it by the time we settle into afternoon activities.”
  •  “I wonder whether the Librarian got a hold of any of those books I’m searching for?”
  •  “Why are my legs so itchy?”
  •  “I wonder whether that family that went to Disney made it back in the snow?”
  •  “Did I set my alarm? Did I leave myself enough time to get to school?”

While all of these thoughts, for the most part are silly anxiety or frivolous ponderings, I think the larger issue I had with sleeping was that throughout all this, I was being kept awake (like I am so many nights) being haunted by self-created phantoms. All night long, I had the dubious companions of Insecurity, Inadequacy, and Self-Doubt whispering in my ears.

  •  “My plans this week really are lame.”
  •  “I could have spent more time this weekend preparing materials to help bolster my Literacy Lessons.”
  •  “How come I haven’t gone to the Library yet? So many of my upcoming plans hinge on read alouds I’m not yet prepared for.”
  •  “Why can’t I think of cooler math lessons to help propel the struggling kids and challenge the excelled kids?”
  •  “Why didn’t I stay later more days last week?”
  •  “Are my kids really even learning everything from me?”
  •  “Are my kids having fun?”
  •  “Am I just faking it?”
  •  “If I keep up this terrible attitude and don’t get some sleep, I’m going to set myself up for an awful day.”

I know these thoughts aren’t healthy. I know they aren’t constructive. But, I also  know I’m not alone in thinking them. And I know that if I truly have been slipping as much lately as I feel like I have, it isn’t without reason.

Self-Defense, Self-Preservation, Taking Care of Myself, and Sanity at least stood up to the Phantoms:

  •  “Don’t forget that you were super sick for two straight weeks and still went to school.”
  •  “Don’t’ forget you’re juggling multiple SSTs and implementing new Behavior Intervention Plans.”
  •  “Don’t forget that you’re also a student with classes, readings, and papers constantly draining you.”
  •  “Don’t forget that the parents in your class are happy and you’ve seen change in  your kids throughout the  year.”
  •  “Don’t’ forget you’re new at this and it is okay not to be perfect.”
  •  “Don’t forget that you’re always harder on yourself than is actually warranted.”

I know I’m doing better than I worry about. I know the power is within me to improve on the spots I perceive as weak. I know I need to sleep better. What I need to figure out is how to tell the Phantoms to cut it out.

11 thoughts on “The Many Thoughts of a Sleepless Teacher

  1. Oh no! That stinks!! Restless sleep or insomnia ruins my day. I’m tempted to offer suggestions to help, but I think it’s better to say, you’re not alone! We all feel like this and the phantoms chase us all. You’re amazing! It will be ok. Wishing you hours of dreamless sleep tonight!

  2. I related to this, to each of the lists, wondering if we swapped stories, what else would align us? I liked your organization and the intro to each list. That kept me focused and with you. I hope that tonight provides you with better sleep. Not gonna lie, after a sleepless night or two, I follow up with a night cap and usually that softens my brain and allows for a great, heavy night of sleep! 🙂 Good luck!

  3. Wishing you a good night of rest tonight. It sounds like you are newer to teaching from what you wrote about “being new to this.” I haven’t taught long (9 years) but one thing that I learned after my first year was that even the best lesson plans didn’t work out if I was tired or on edge. So, sometimes, it’s best to let some of it go but come in refreshed and happy because then you’ll pull off great things even when unexpected. YOU CAN DO THIS!

  4. I appreciated reading your blog post tonight. I, too, often have a long list of personal and school-related things running through my mind that keep me up at night. Sometimes, I find that I have to write things down in order to rest my mind. I liked that you reflected in the end, and that you stayed positive. That is a sign of a very good teacher!

  5. I think we (teachers) all have doubt about our lessons and student progress. We have to remember we are working with human beings – things will go well one day, then off the rails the next! Hang in there, and stay healthy!
    P.S. What plot twist for How I Met Your Mother?? I have to watch every week! 🙂

  6. “All night long, I had the dubious companions of Insecurity, Inadequacy, and Self-Doubt whispering in my ears.” You have such a great way with words! You said exactly how I feel sometimes. It does get better and easier but as a teacher you have those sleepless nights, when you just can’t shake your thoughts and insomnia is your worst enemy.

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